Photo by: Ed & Aileen Photography
Assemble Your Dream Team
Ashley Hamm Photography | ashleyhammphoto.com | 847-529-2002
Alexandra Cantemir Photography | cantemirphoto.com | alexa.cantemir@gmail.com
Colin Lyons Photography | colinlyonsphotography.com | 312-285-4533
Ed & Aileen Photography | edandaileen.com | info@edandaileen.com
Emma Mullins Photography | emullinsphoto.com | hello@emullinsphoto.com
Golden Hours Photo | goldenhoursweddings.com | hello@danaannphotography.com
LaCour Images | lacourimages.com | photos@lacourimages.com
Maypole Studios | maypolestudios.com | bethany@maypolestudios.com
Rick Aguilar Studios | rickaguilar.com | info@rickaguilar.com
The Adamkovi | theadamkovi.com | hello@theadamkovi.com
TWA Photographic Artists | twaphoto.com | 630-271-1737
Two Birds Photography | twobirdsphoto.com | jake@twobirdsphoto.com
Victoria Sprung Photography | sprungphoto.com | victoria@sprungphoto.com
Artistic Blooms | artisticbloomschicago.com | 773-540-2173
Blumgarten | blumgarten.com | 312-770-9052
Dahlia Blooms | dahliabloomschicago.com | 773-777-1977
Flowers for Dreams | flowersfordreams.com | 312-620-1410
Juliet Tan Floral Design | juliettanfloraldesign.com | 773-712-1523
Kloeckner Preferred Flowers | kloecknerevents.com | 773-737-8232
Maison Du Prince | maisonduprincechi.com | 847-386-9020
Steve’s Flower Market | stevesflowermarket.com | 312-929-4217
AFR Event Furnishings | afrevents.com | 630-796-7942
Art of Imagination | artofimagination.com | info@artofimagination.com
The Flower Firm | flowerfirm.com | 312-455-2800
HMR Designs | hmrdesigns.com | concierge@hmrdesigns.com
Kehoe Designs | kehoedesigns.com | info@kehoedesigns.com
Cage & Aquarium | cageandaquarium.com | 312-725-2243
Small Batch Weddings | smallbatchweddings.com | kayla@smallbatchwedings.com
Cage & Aquarium | cageandaquarium.com | 312-725-2243
DJ Harsh | djharshchicago.com | 312-953-0226
Okyne Medialab, Inc. | okynemedialab.com | info@okynedjs.com
Style Matters DJ’s | stylemattersdjs.com | info@stylemattersdjs.com
Toast & Jam | toastandjamdjs.com | 773-687-8833
Arlen Music Productions | arlenmusic.com | 847-869-8826
Becca Kaufman Orchestra | beatmixmusic.com | 847-892-4150
Bill Pollack Music billpollackmusic.com | 847-475-0411
Cagen Music | cagenmusic.com | 847-559-0900
David Rothstein Music | drsmusic.com | 773-719-7610
Gussied | gussiedband.com | 518.573.9428
Maggie Speaks | maggiespeaks.com | 630-210-8607
Fotio | fotio.com | 309-657-3674
Shutterbooth | shutterbooth.com | info@shutterbooth.com
Art of Imagination | artofimagination.com | 773-632-8553
Luxe Productions | luxeproductions.com | 312-898-1752
MK Lighting | mklightingdesign.com | 773-847-3027
SC LIghting Design | sclightingdesigner@gmail.com
Sound Investment | soundinvestmentav.com | 312-733-6860
All America Limousine | allamericanlimo.com | limo@allamericanlimo.com
Midwest Motorcoach | midwestmotorcoach.com | 847-336-0720
Windy City Limousine | windycitylimos.com | 847-916-9300
Windy City Trolley | windycitytrolley.com | info@windycitytrolley.com
Johnson Ice Sculptures | natesice.com | nate@natesice.com
Spin Spun Gourmet Cotton Candy | spin-spun.com | info@spin-spun.com
Fork It Grazing Tables | forkitfoods.com | 779.994.7190
Hotel Gurus | A free service that provides a simple way to block hotel rooms for any event
LondonHouse Chicago | 3.5 miles | 85 E Upper Wacker Drive | 312-357-1200
Le Méridien Essex Chicago | 2.5 miles | 800 S Michigan Avenue | 312-753-3405
Hilton Chicago | 2.5 miles | 720 S Michigan Avenue | 312-922-4400
HIltons at McCormick Place | 1.6 miles | 123 E Cermak Road | 312-363-1202
Hyatt Regency McCormick Place | 1.8 mi | 2233 S Martin Luther King Dr. | 312-567-1234
Marriott Marquis Chicago | 1.8 miles | 2121 S Prairie Ave | 312-824-0500
The Blackstone | 2.9 miles | 636 S Michigan Avenue | 312-447-0955
Renaissance Chicago Hotel | 3.4 miles | 1 W Upper Wacker Drive | 312-372-7200
Hilton Garden Inn & Canopy by Hilton | 2.6 miles | 245 S Franklin Street | 312-989-3958 | Braxton Clarke - Sales Manager
Have more questions?
Office Hours
(312) 600-9147
2150 S. Canalport, Suite 1B-2
Chicago, IL 60608